Monday, March 28, 2005

The Malakweesta Flu

Unless you are one of the twelve people who know me, I bet you don’t know what the Malakweesta Flu is. Well, it’s simple to explain. See, the Malakweesta Flu is a cold that comes on in the late spring or summer. When it’s too hot to have a cold, like 108 degrees Fahrenheit.

The only time I can remember having the Malakweesta Flu is April 2004. Yes, that is the month I am writing this. Yes, I am in possession of the Malakweesta Flu.

Anyway, it isn’t 108˚ outside, just 75 or 80, but remember, I live in Washington State where it rains for NINE months straight. On the Westside at least.

Maybe you’re curious about the word “Malakweesta” and you looked it up in the dictionary. Unless I’m really famous and new dictionaries with my terminology have been made, it wasn’t there. Malakweesta is a Stitch word (surprised, are you?) that in my lingo translates to “summertime.” Hoo knows about Flu. Apparently it means cold.

UPDATE!!! I learned the meaning of Flu. It is practically the same as allergies.

ANOTHER UPDATE!!! Do you know who the KINSSA are? Well, anyway, their race died out because of the Malakweesta flu. I guess some people just can’t handle colds.


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