Sunday, August 28, 2005

Why Khibi has Spikey Hair

The word "Khibi" was something I came up with in my freshman year. It meant "bad," and it quickly took over curse words in my group of friends. That's all it was.

But I often used it as some people might say, "god," and pretty soon he became one. I would turn my head to the sky and yell, "Why, Khibi, why?"

Until recently, he was just a name. Until I tried to draw Bart Simpson on my work-form and messed up. With four spikes atop his head, and two misalighned teeth, Khibi now became "The Spikey-Haired Demon." He's got a background, including that he's the God of All Things Bad, and he's in charge of inanimate objects, and everything made-up.

And he's got his own prayer, too. It goes something like this (fill in the blanks your own answers):

Praise Khibi, the Spikey-Haired Demon. Please don't let bad things happen to me. Please bless (an inanamite object with a name, eg "Spoon"), my (whatever it is, eg "Geo Prism"); and (something made up, such as a character), my (whatever it is eg "elf"). Thank you for the (whatever you're thankful for. Try not to add improvements eg, "thanks for the weather, but next time . . .). Your (whatever you're job is, eg student), (your name).

One story down, one to go . . .


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