Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It's the End of the World

Anyway, my thread in TBH is going rather slowly. Stormy just asked Ebony (the herbalist) what, exactly, they're looking for. She can picture it: a small green plant with leaves.

In other news, I've been working on another story. It's not new, it's recycled. About after the end of the world, which we are currently living in. The time of the HAZE.

What is the HAZE? I have absolutly no idea. It's stuff that is green and fills the air, like one of the mazes in Mario 64. Remember that? Except it's not in a sewer, it's outside. It moves like tides, except that instead of a couple of times daily, it comes in every month, around the full moon.

It's measured in 'clicks.' Ten clicks isn't very bad at all, but 30 will make you sick. Beyond 30? It's hard to say. No one has survived.


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