Sunday, October 09, 2005

I Got It!

I got a title! I was reading some of NaNoWriMo's forums, and came across a random title generator. It was so cool. I came up with several random titles that I thought might work: Dying Shard, The Final Storms, Last Tears, and The Forgotten Ones.

Dying Shards was really weird, because in the original RPG, the guy who worked in water was Chris Shard. (I bet nobody knows how my friend Shard fits it!) Anyway, I was thinking that shard was a good part of a title. So I thought of Orion talking with Rider:

"We're kind of like shards. Shard of a society. The last shards."

And so, I came up with a working title: Last Shards.

Tell me what you think!


At Wednesday, 12 October, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, interesting. I haven't found anything I want to use for my novel, but it did generate some interesting stuff. For example:

The Slave of the Someone

The Delicious Tale

Names of Something

Boyfriend in the Slaves

Years in the Lover

Fairy in the Emperor

-Luminessence from the NaNoWriMo forums


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