Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Plant and Human Life

What affects did the Haze have on life?

Plants were generally affected in a good way. Despite the block on sunlight (which Washington plants rarely see anyway), they grow very well. In fact, better.

One of the new plants to sprout up was the famous "Bubble plant." This plant resembles suds, like when one is washing cars and gets some on the cement (bet you never guess where I got the idea . . .). It is a very fragile plant that you can leave footprints in. It grows on cement, esp. in the cracks.

Animals seem relitivly unaffected by the Haze, esp cows. Apes, however, were too much like humans. Some humans who were immune (like Orion) or saved and kept indoors (like Rider). Other affects are unknown. They haven't been around it long enough. Maybe they'll suddenly get superpowers (but don't count on it.)


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