Friday, October 28, 2005

Radio Stations and Love Letters

Okay, first to Crouchingtiger16 (boy I wish you had a shorter name *LST*) and Chris Shard: the reason I didn't say Mix 92.5 in my last post (the Tale From the Washrack) was copyright issue. I didn't want to get sued. But, yeah, that is their idea, a 'phrase that pays.'

And to Shard and Jeri, no and yes. I did write a letter to Mitch Elliott. Not a love letter, but a "I love your show, come read my blog!" letter. I really did. ANd in the next five minutes, my blog had a hit. I was excited all morning. Maybe it wasn't him, but I bet that it was. He told me I had a great idea, that they really should post their lyrics on their website for idiots like me. (Okay, he phrased it much more nicely. He said, "That's a great idea!"

I do plan on writing him a love letter. Not a "I'm a Stalker!" love letter, but a "If I ever saw you in person, my crush would disenigrate" love letter. After all, in a crush, somebody ends up crushed. And it won't be me!

About the "fire dude" as he has been dubbed. Often, the fire trucks fill up at the gas pumps behind my wash rack. Wednesday, I was washing away when one came by. Usually, I'm too busy to pay much attention to them. But one guy caught my eye. He smiled at me. I smiled back (he was cute!). He blushed. I blushed.

I told everyone that he had checked me out. My teacher told me, "Check him out. Get his social security number."

And maybe I will. Or at least his phone number.


At Sunday, 30 October, 2005, Blogger Twim said...

Nick Stokes: Hey, Greg
Greg Sanders: [looking through the microscope] Shh! I might be looking at the mother of my children here.
Nick Stokes: Somebody's been putting in way too much overtime.
Greg Sanders: No, man, this is serious. I had a date last night and this girl has the most impossible green eyes. Just... BAM! Shoulder-length blonde hair, intelligent, and she smells so good.
Nick Stokes: Cute toes?
Greg Sanders: Oh, ideal!
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: And none are longer than the big toe.
Nick Stokes: Mmm.
Greg Sanders: Both feet. But, you know, what I need to know is what's on the inside?
Nick Stokes: Oh, what's in her heart?
Greg Sanders: No... her DNA. And let me tell you, this girl has got some fine epithelials.
Nick Stokes: [laughing] Dude, you're sick. Man, you've officially lost it!
Greg Sanders: No, no. There is this guy in Louisville. He charges 300 clams to test your spouse's underwear for foreign DNA. Now, that guy is sick. I'm just a romantic.
Nick Stokes: But whatever happened to getting to know someone over coffee, letting the relationship evolve? Romantic is sending flowers, not bogarting her skin cells.
Greg Sanders: Ahh, that's boring.

At Sunday, 30 October, 2005, Blogger Roo said...

Even better than a social security number, Twimmy. LOL.


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