Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Characters: Again

About Orion and Rider . . . huh. Are they friends, or what?

Not really. And, at the same time, yes. They're co-workers. And while it is okay to be friends with co-workers, you cannot invite them to your birthday party.

Actually, you can, if you really want to. But Orion would not want to. Besides, she's about 30 years younger than him.

I know Orion sounds a little defensive in the interview, but, well, she was. And it would sound different if you heard it in person. She has a bit of a sense of humor, and so when she says stuff like, "I just used you as an excuse to stay," she's smiling. She's not kidding, but she's joking about it. Orion feels like she needed an excuse to stay behind when everybody was migrating to New York. And while she had lots of reasonable excuses, she mainly "blamed" it on Rider. Who, in turn, is kind of angry at Orion for staying just because of him.

Also, as a note, Orion didn't beat Rider up. That was a joke. I guess. I wonder what I was thinking when I wrote that . . . hmm.

Also, if you're one of those people bothered by spelling errors, don't do Nano. It'll really slow you down. That's why the interview is full of typos that I'm just now noticing. Also, if they sound a little out of character (which, believe me, they do) it's not only because I'm practicing writing fast, but also because I'm still tweaking their characteristics. I'm doing lots of prompts to get inside them. So maybe in a week or two I'll rewrite it to make them sound a little more in character. And make Orion calm down a little (was she having a bad day?)

Any, more prompts to come! And possibly, come November, novel.


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