Friday, May 20, 2005

I Didn't Work on my Story

Sorry. But onna my 'friends' asked me about the Lieums yesterday, and they have quite an extensive background. You see . . .

The first Lieum story was about their favorite sport. Marching. They had humans do the marching. Obviously, they have always been slave holders. What's funny is that both Ben and Adam were in that story.

I'm still waiting, Twim!

Also, the origin of "Khibi." Oh, who can forget those freshmen years. I met . . . Jason, is it? . . . then. I think. And Khibi is a curse word that literally means 'bad.' I say it all the time. Twimmy doesn't, she curses. Sometimes she says "Khib" but it's rare. Me? I hardly curse, barring Khibi of course.

But Khibi was a Kinssa. He was a bad person, I guess, since they use his name for a curse word. I haven't given it much thought. I know he was Kinssa, but I don't know what he did to make everybody not like him. (Not hate. Never hate.) Maybe he was the first to go to the Lieum homeworld. Hmm.

Also, some of you somewhere who understand Kinssian know that Kinssa isn't a Kinssian word. And you're right. It's english. Oh, hold up! you say. That is not English, Roo. It is. It's an abbreviation. When the Kinssa came to Earth, they didn't really have a name like "human." During our middle ages, many Kinssa were knights. Knights in Shining Armour. Oh, that's all great, I hear you cry, but Kinssa has 2 s's, or haven't you noticed?

Yes, well, not all Kinssa are knights. But they are the "heroes of the universe." Anyway, it actually stands for Knights In Not So Shiny Armour. Shiny, never shinning. Bonus points to the person who knew the word Kinssa wasn't Kinssian!


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