Monday, May 16, 2005

What's Gonna Happen Next??

I just wanna say one thing: the weekend was too short.

Okay, back to my story. I finished Jadie and Jack's whole conversation about breeding. Jack wonders why Jadie spent a whole page explaining this to him, and figures it must be her area of expertise. But what does he know? He's only human!

I have no idea what's going to happen next. I may jump to the Offer and Marky scene, or possibly his fight with Keiki, but I think that's going to happen later. You know, the whole whether God exists or not fight.

And that fight is the whole reason why I'm writing this story. You see, I was able to prove that God cannot exist using logic, but I knew that it couldn't be that easy. Besides, it kinda ruins the whole 'faith' thing, even if I am agnostic.

Okay, also, if anybody has any idea about what happens next, just leave me a note . . .


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