Monday, May 09, 2005

And a Happy Mother's Day to You

Well, first I'd like to say that on Saturday there was this party that I was planning to go to, 'cause my old best friend was going, but my neice got a new stroller, and . . . well, I ended up in the emergency room. And, no, I don't wanna talk about it. (I just tell my friends that it involved the baby, a stroller and the emergency room and leave it at that.)

I didn't end up going to the party, 'cause I got out of the hospital at three, the time the party was s'pose to be over.

Mother's day was interesting. Twimmy and I bought plants. (Someday I'm gonna halfta tell you guys the Twim story. It involves detention.) When Twimmy came home, she made ravioli (sp?) for dinner, which my mother abhors. Kyrie'd been whining for awhile, so my mom spanked her and sent her to her room, which Twim didn't like, so they had a big fight. My dad threatened to leave again. But now I'm sure he'll take me with him.

After Mom apoligized, Kyra tried to eat the telephone cord, and apparently my mom handled that wrong too 'cause Twim and her fought some more. I was thinking about staying in my room for the rest of forever. It's all Khibi when those two fight. That's the first big fight in my house since Kyra was born.

And let's see . . . I paid my book fine today. I again polietly suggested that maybe they got teefed (stolen) but the librarian quickly dismissed that idea again. Hopefully they find the books. I want my money back.

Oh, yeah. I'm going to apply for a job at Sizzler's 'cause it'd be better pay than what I'm making now.

Oh, and about that book thing--since I'm only at school two periods a day, I went to talk to the library first period (after attendance was taken, of course. People are used to me just walking out whenever 'cause of my SA). Well, the library took longer than expected, and then I went to pay my fine, which took forever! and inbetween all these steps I talked to my friend Andrea. So I took the better part of the hour not in class. I wonder if I got marked truant. I think I should have been. But Mr. J. never asked where I was, so I suppose he never noticed, or, if he did, really didn't care that I was gone, after all, I am a trouble-maker, etc, etc.

(Actually, I'm not. He just says that 'cause I don't talk much.)


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