Friday, May 27, 2005

It was on my Music Stand

Of course! Why didn't I look there first! Khib, it's always in the last place you look. I don't know why you would continue looking after you've found it, but I'm sure somebody does. And I wasn't even looking. I was clearing off my stand so the book I was reading (eg, playing) from didn't fall off.

Anyway, there's parts that never got typed into my little blog here. I'll start now.

Okay. Jadie, Keiki and Jack are walking to Azure Bridge park. That's what Jadie was planning the night she was missing. It's the first time Jack has been out of the "game reserve" as the humans call it.

Nothing is plainly colored outside. All the Lieums are friendly. (I know, what about Ben? Maybe he had a bad childhood). There are billboards written in Lieum and all the vehicals have square wheels, but seem to run just fine. (Different laws of graviety, maybe?) And Jadie knows her way around.

However, Keiki doesn't think they're going the right way because her map is off. It's an upside-down map of Florida. Jadie says that it is the right way, unless the Lieums moved the park. Not knowing much about the Lieums, Jack wondered if they could actually do that. Jadie says that to the Lieums land is sacred, and the parks aren't going to move.

Jack notices that Jadie is turning at practally every corner. He thinks she might be taking the long way so they're gone longer, but then he notices that they only travel on streets that are gold, blue or silver. Jadie says that it has to do with gangs.

Two hours later they get there. The park name is the only English sign on the planet. "Azure Bridge Park!" (Bonus points to anyone who knows the real name of the park I'm parodying (sp?). Triple points to anyone who knows what show I got the idea from!)

Apperently, Adam gave Jadie money so she could buy pretzals from Bernie's. Keiki points out that Bernie isn't a common Leium name, and Jadie insists that all his friends call him that. Turns out that he has one friend, named Jadie.

Jadie says that it's a coinencidence. Right . . .


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