The latest dialog in my novel ... I had a thought walking yesterday about Quess teaching the children. Ace walks in, sees what she teaching her seven year old neice and freaks out.
Sex Ed.
After Ace recoveres, she looks at Quess and asks (in all seriousness) if she's teaching about orientation. (Which really doesn't matter in their world anymore, since they're not too many people and love has ceised to exist as far as the MCs are concerned.)
Quess lets Ace take over. In just over 1 k, she explains heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality and asexuality. She even spells all of the words for her young pupils.
The best part is when she's covering bisexuality, and mentions that Jack is bi. She then decides he's not the best example (now that I think of it, he's really more pansexual). Ace mentions to the children how in the Belonging Times, everyone thought bisexuals were s----
Quess runs and clamps her hand over Ace's mouth, yelling at her to not talk like that around the kids! (She then explains, very polietly, that straight people don't want to sleep with everyone of the opposite sex, gay people don't want to sleep with everyone of the same sex, so it's irrational to think that bi people want to sleep with everyone.)
Oh, yes, and she also covers romantic orentation, making it a point to say, "I once had a friend who was heterosexual and homoromantic ..."
Hmm. I can't wait to see you teach your children. I'm sure it will be a tramatic expirince.
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