Saturday, November 18, 2006

Parts Three and Three Point One

(A/N: This is based on events that happened pazackly one month ago today. Again, they're supposed to be funny, but aren't.)

P A R T T H R E E (A K A, “The Movie Store”)

Girl #1: Whoa. They have a lot of movies here. You’d think it’s a movie store.

Girl #2: It is.

Girl #1: Oh yeah. What should we get?

Girl #2: This one is about the fall of communism and the struggle to rebuild.

Girl #1: Hey, look! Life, Interrupted. I’ve seen that one!

Girl #2: Here’s one about the consequences of good and evil.

Girl #1: Hey, look! Last Shards. I’ve seen that one!

Girl #2: And here’s one about the fall of grace.

Girl #1: Hey, look! Trapped in Silence. I’ve seen that one!

Girl #2: I think it’s funny that every movie, all you have to say is that you’ve seen it.

Girl #1: I really like hair.

Girl #2: Do you like my hair?

Girl #1: Yeah. You have cool hair.


P A R T T H R E E P O I N T O N E (A K A, “Later that night”)

Girl #1: I have an idea! Let’s talk through the movie, so I have no idea what it’s about!

Girl #2: All right. What should we talk about?

Girl #1: Oh, you know. Stuff.

Girl #2: Oh, okay. What are you looking for in a relationship?

Girl #1: What do you mean?

Girl #2: I mean, what are you looking for in a relationship?

Girl #1: What sort of an answer are you looking for?

Girl #2: The answer to what are you looking for in a relationship?

Girl #1: Oh, yeah. I like to make people laugh.

Girl #2: You make me laugh.

Girl #1: Yeah. Plus, we have a lot in common.

Girl #2: We sure do. So what do you think?

Girl #1: What do I think about what?

Girl #2: What do you think about us?

Girl #1: What about us?

Girl #2: About us dating.

Girl #1: Oh yeah. That’s a good question.

Girl #2: I mean, it’s okay if you just want to be friends. I was just wondering.

Girl #1: We could date. That’d be okay.

Girl #2: Cool. I can’t wait to go tell all my friends that I have a girlfriend.

Girl #1: I don’t have any friends, but I’ll be sure to mention you to my co-workers.


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