Thursday, February 01, 2007

Extra Short Stories

I wrote a couple stories today. Well, not today. One I wrote today. The other I wrote in late Novemeber (or possibly early December, it's hard to remember.) They aren't really stories per say. Just an attempt to put words to feelings, I guess.

They were both written for the same person. I'm pretty sure that when she reads this, she'll know that it's her, and promptly beat me up. Okay, so she won't beat me up, I'm pretty sure. But she might not appreciate it.

Here goes. The shortest story I ever wrote:

Shut her up.
Made her cry.
What would you have said to her?
And the second, inspired by an event last Monday:

You were always so quick to out yourself. I thought you were ashamed. But maybe you're just proud?



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