Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Thornbrook Holt

Somebody asked me what Stormy's up to. (I like to call her that--Stormy, because her name is Stormcloud. Can't shorten to Storm, 'cause that's what I called her mother, but 'Stormy' works out just fine.)

Anyway, she's got a cold--and soon after I wrote about it, I got a cold! Jinxed it. She's planning on going out to look for some weeds (herbs) that will cure it, rather than go to a healer, who can rid her of it magically. Tell you what--I would go to the healer. At least for my throat.

And that's it. Stormcloud's hanging out under a tree, talking about being sick. With the healer, the herbologist (or whatever you call her), and one of the cheiftesses (we have two). And Stormy's the tanner. But she doesn't want to tan, claiming that her head hurts to much. But I've got the same cold as her, and I'm not too worried about my head.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Why Khibi has Spikey Hair

The word "Khibi" was something I came up with in my freshman year. It meant "bad," and it quickly took over curse words in my group of friends. That's all it was.

But I often used it as some people might say, "god," and pretty soon he became one. I would turn my head to the sky and yell, "Why, Khibi, why?"

Until recently, he was just a name. Until I tried to draw Bart Simpson on my work-form and messed up. With four spikes atop his head, and two misalighned teeth, Khibi now became "The Spikey-Haired Demon." He's got a background, including that he's the God of All Things Bad, and he's in charge of inanimate objects, and everything made-up.

And he's got his own prayer, too. It goes something like this (fill in the blanks your own answers):

Praise Khibi, the Spikey-Haired Demon. Please don't let bad things happen to me. Please bless (an inanamite object with a name, eg "Spoon"), my (whatever it is, eg "Geo Prism"); and (something made up, such as a character), my (whatever it is eg "elf"). Thank you for the (whatever you're thankful for. Try not to add improvements eg, "thanks for the weather, but next time . . .). Your (whatever you're job is, eg student), (your name).

One story down, one to go . . .

Friday, August 26, 2005

A New Poll!

Bonus points for voting!



Haven't written much.

I did join Thornbrook Holt, an elf role-playing game. If you decide to join, let me know so I can take credit!

It's fun. My elf's name is Stormcloud. She's an angry women who hates summer. (Bet you can't guess where that came from!) But it's fall at the holt, so she's not too bad. Quite calm, actually. She's got a cold, but only because she hates to put on her shoes.

I talk to her sometimes. (*My work may be physically demanding, but not mentally. :)*) We talk about all kinds of strange things. Some I can't repete here, but only because I've got to get them patented first. Oh, well. We talk about wifi hair baretts and reuseable post-it notes. (Patent pending on them!) Sometimes we talk about hunts and tanning, but mostly she stares at Lake Melisa.

That's my lake's name. I didn't name it, my co-worker did. It is by my wash-rack anyway.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Kinssa: The Next Generation

No, really. This is about the original Kinssa. The dead ones. The real ones. Not the ones Jadie belonged to.

Actually, they are the same ones, but it wouldn't seem so if you didn't know. Jadie was really dead when the story took place.

But this story is about Amnsi, one of the first Kinssa. She's a seer and knows the future (limited, and actually from watching TV). She goes to help the Elfquest elves. Her mission is to stop Winnowill's death. But when she comes, it's more than 15,000 years before the elves will meet the Black Snake.

So, Amnsi has plenty of time to befriend the elves and change their history. Her first mission? Prevent the death of Crescent, Strongbow's daughter. Will she do it? That's answered in part two, which I'm doing right now.

She does, but in the process breaks her jaw and fractures her arm. Also manages to climb a tree. When the Wolfriders come, they think Crescent is dead--killed by the tall ones. Why they don't think of Amnsi is beyond me. Amsni manages to send that the "damn humans" should be left alone, proving that she is still alive, but Crescent has yet to make an apperence after mind-screaming.

Never drive while on a cell phone. And for Khibi's sake, KC, if you read this please COMMENT!

Friday, August 19, 2005

Sorry It's Been Awhile

Sorry, KC. I wasn't aware that you ever read this. Do you remember the part about commenting? I thought it was it's own paragraph. *Smiles* (Actually, I'd just 'bout forgotten my blog existed.)

And to Stephen--well, I'm not sure what happened. I hope it wasn't my fault we lost contact, but it probably was. I'll have to check your blog, but when mine stops, yours does, so we'll find out.

Now, this is a blog primarily for my stories, so my actual post is going onto my other blog: (Here's a link)

Watch for updates on my stories coming soon!

This weekend: Find out about another Kinssian known as Amnsi and her adventures with the ElfQuest elves!

Also watch for the story about Jadie being posted on fanstory before too long. Assuming I can find it. I never did type it up.